Spending the Summer With Levy: The Home Office Interns

interns at a cubs baseball game

This blog was guest-written by Levy’s 17 Home Office interns in the 2024 Summer program.

What is a summer internship with Levy like? We’ll tell you.

Over the past 11 weeks, the 17 of us have spent our days in the Levy Home Office, where we not only learned and grew, but made new friends as we explored the city of Chicago through the eyes of the nation’s leading hospitality company. We cheered on the Cubs at historic Wrigley Field, spent an afternoon learning Chicago history on a boat tour and a brave few sampled XXXX wings at Jake Melnick’s (the award-winning hottest wings on the planet). 

This summer was insightful, engaging, welcoming, immersive and memorable. As we wrap up our time here in Levy-land, we’re sharing our thoughts and biggest learnings from the summer.

What has been the highlight of your internship experience?

“My highlight of my internship was the lunch with Andy and Shauna! I enjoyed how we were able to interact with each other in a comfortable and playful manner. I also loved watching the XXXX spice wing challenge!” — Julia Gerber, Training and Talent Development Intern

“Meeting new people has definitely been the highlight of my internship experience at Levy. From my fellow interns to the marketing and communications staff in the office, I truly feel like everyone here is so kind and wants nothing but the best for us. I hope in future work environments I'll find a similar dynamic among staff!” — Kelsi Manning, Brand Marketing Intern

“I have had the opportunity to listen in on some really informative phone calls and interview people around the company, which has given me an interesting view into the operations of Levy and some of the companies we do business with.” — Ryan Spaeth, Corporate Strategy Intern

“The highlight of my experience has been the different projects that I have had the opportunity to work on. In addition to my summer-long final project, I worked on other ad-hoc projects that my mentor, Caroline, sent my way. I also got to work on some E15 projects regarding both retail and food and beverage. I am so lucky to work on projects that align with my academic and personal interests.” — Jack Wineman, Digital Strategy Intern – Rank + Rally

“Having lunch with Andy and Shauna!” — Ellie Zarch, Talent Acquisition Intern

What are the biggest skills and takeaways you’ve gained from this internship?

“I've learned how to take on a large project that is less structured than the work I am used to doing at school. This has helped me work more independently and be creative with my solutions.” — Ben Vosmik, Finance Intern

“I have developed strong leadership and teamwork skills, gained confidence and improved my communication abilities. This internship has prepared me well for post-graduation, equipping me with the necessary skills to confidently tackle new challenges.” — Caleigh Lindquist, Beverage Intern

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned in this program? 

“Adaptability: Whether it’s adjusting to new tasks, working with different teams, or navigating unexpected challenges, being adaptable is crucial for success in any role.” — Divy Jayesh Shah, Supply Chain Intern

“That food donation can be accessible for businesses in the food industry. Hunger affects many in America, and Levy locations can play a part to ensure unused and safe food feeds people rather than rotting in landfills and producing methane!” — Lena Sylvan, Sustainability Intern

What is the most interesting thing you learned about Levy?

“One of the most interesting things I have learned is how team-oriented this company truly is. Everyone works together and supports one another to accomplish goals, which has been refreshing to see as I have not been in a work environment as positive and strong as Levy before.” — LK Carr, Talent Management and Development Intern

“There's been so many things, especially since part of my role was learning as much about Levy's history as possible! But one of my favorite things is a restaurant called DIVE! that Levy opened in the 90s with Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg. In the 90s, there was a trend in elevating the typical dining experience through highly themed (and often celebrity-backed) restaurants. DIVE! was designed to look like guests were dining in a submarine, and every 45 minutes there would be special effects to simulate submerging into the ocean. It's such an obscure part of our history, but its concept was truly a product of the time.” — Grace Wallace, History Archivist Intern

“I have learned a lot of interesting legal information that pertains to operating Levy. For example, I have learned lots about catering agreements, management agreements and much more!” — Lauren Traycik, Legal Intern

If you could give one piece of advice to future Levy interns, what would it be?

“Be open to learning as much as possible. There’s so much to learn, so don’t be afraid to ask questions.” — Jalen Lewis, Legal Intern

“Being professional doesn't mean to stop being authentic!” — Sofia Gamundi, Communications Intern

“One piece of advice I would give to future Levy interns would be to put yourself out there. This pertains both socially and within work. Spend time with the other interns and create strong relationships with them. However, also put yourself out there when it comes to completing work. Don't be afraid to share your new ideas or add a personal touch to the work you are assigned.” — Jordyn Dane, Marketing Intern

“Say yes to everything! It's all new, and it's all good experience.” — Max Peterson, Legal Intern

“If I could give one piece of advice, it would be to soak up as much as you can! It goes by so quickly, and it truly is a great place to work. Everyone is so kind and welcoming, so put yourself out there by just saying hello!” — Amanda Brooks, HR Solutions Intern

Saying goodbye

Our summer as Levy interns was a summer well spent. Working on our summer-long intern projects and tasks helped us create lasting connections and discover strengths that we didn’t even know we had! None of this would have been possible without our amazing mentors and we are so thankful for all of them. 

We may not be in the Levy office anymore, but the lessons we learned and the memories we made will stick with us forever. 

Signing off, 

The 2024 Levy Summer Interns

Posted in:  Our People

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